Resilience in Despair: Brighton’s Fight

This is the heartbreaking story of Brighton, a total orphan living with his elderly grandmother. When I found him, he was resting—exhausted, hungry, and deeply troubled—while his friends were at school taking their end-of-term examinations. With a heavy heart, he opened up about his struggles:

“I was sent home from school last Friday because I couldn’t pay the exam fees or afford shoes and other essentials. On Saturday, my grandmother told me to go ask my aunt, who lives in Kisumu, for help since she didn’t have any money. When I arrived, I stayed for two days, hoping for some relief. But later, my aunt asked me to carry a package to my grandmother. I was dropped off in Luanda, and from there, I had to carry the heavy load on my head for about 9 km. The weight crushes me, both physically and emotionally. I don’t know how I’ll return to school, and my younger brother is at home, lost and confused.

My father passed away in 2019, and my mother in 2021. They left us with only two children… Now, I feel like I’m carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders.”


After following up, I visited Brighton and his grandmother at home, and what I witnessed shattered my heart even more.

Brighton is the cornerstone of their small family, consisting of three: his grandmother, himself, and his younger brother, who is in grade 3. At just 13 years old, he bears the burden of their household, doing 90% of the work because his grandmother is physically challenged and confined to a wheelchair.

Every day, Brighton faces the harsh realities of hunger and desperation. Despite his overwhelming challenges—being a total orphan, struggling to afford school fees, and shouldering responsibilities far beyond his years—he manages to be one of the top performers in his class.

But behind his success lies an unbearable pain. He spends most of his time fetching firewood, water, and sometimes food, while also caring for his younger brother, who looks to him for guidance and support. It breaks my heart to see such a young boy forced to bear so much.

For Brighton, every day is a fight against despair, and the burden he carries is simply too much for a child.